Graduate Thesis Collection
Tarot of Villainy: An Examination of the Representation and Design of Literary Villains
Scott, Amy Alexander
Thesis (M.F.A.) -- Illustration
Savannah College of Art and Design -- Department of Illustration
Copyright is retained by the authors or artists of items in this collection, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
"This thesis focuses on the representation and design of villains from famous selected pieces of
literature throughout history. The primary focus is to examine what villainy is : what makes a villain and how do we recognize it as such; what unites these selected villains visually, defining the consistent character traits and representation despite their largely differing literary origins. And with this examination of villainy, the visual aim of this thesis is to apply these examined villains to the language and symbology of the Tarot Major Arcana; to discover how the characters relate to each card and the card’s traditional meaning. In conclusion, this thesis will highlight how the representation of the villain is important to the world of illustration and to understand how to formulate and design a villain so as to improve the narrative and illustration."
literature throughout history. The primary focus is to examine what villainy is : what makes a villain and how do we recognize it as such; what unites these selected villains visually, defining the consistent character traits and representation despite their largely differing literary origins. And with this examination of villainy, the visual aim of this thesis is to apply these examined villains to the language and symbology of the Tarot Major Arcana; to discover how the characters relate to each card and the card’s traditional meaning. In conclusion, this thesis will highlight how the representation of the villain is important to the world of illustration and to understand how to formulate and design a villain so as to improve the narrative and illustration."
Keywords: villains, antagonist, Tarot, Major Arcana, villainy, literature, illustration
Savannah, Georgia : Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta)
PDF #1 (thesis) : 33 pages + PDF #2 (visual component) : unpaged, color illustrations