Savannah College of Art and Design Collections

Splendore Dell' Antica Roma [The Splendors of Rome], engraved by Giacomo Lauro, presents Roman art and architectural features in guidebook form. First published as Antiquae Urbis Splendor and issued in three books, Splendore went through several iterations and titles. Compilations were later published with the addition of a fourth part. Included in Lauro’s engravings are ruins of Rome as well as reconstructions. Both secular and religious structures are featured, as well as illustrations of Roman customs, burial sites, gardens, and maps.

This copy contains several title pages, the first dated Rome, 1625. It appears to be an early compilation of material from the several early editions with a number of variations, comprised chiefly of the 1625 second edition, with additional plates and indices from other editions. The book has 160 plates, including maps and illustrated title pages. Text in Latin describes each plate. Additional information on the back of many of the plates describes the image in Italian, French, and German, as well, with titles in Italian.